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Helping Victims Of Nursing Negligence

Negligence occurs when a nurse harms a patient by failing to perform required duties. There are many ways that a nurse can hurt a patient. For instance, a nurse can fail to inform a doctor when something goes wrong with a patient. If nursing malpractice has occurred, one issue will be to determine who is responsible for the nurse’s misconduct. Once that is determined, the responsible party is liable for compensating the patient. At The Law Office of Robert H. Kleinschmidt, P.C., in Scottsdale, our attorney works hard to help hold negligent nursing professionals accountable and to help you recover the full and fair compensation to which you are entitled.


How Does Nursing Negligence Happen?

Not every mistake in a hospital counts as negligence. For malpractice to occur, the nurse must fail to act as a reasonable nurse should under the circumstances. If the careless behavior injures a patient, then the nurse’s actions are considered negligent. The following points are some of the most common situations that warrant a malpractice case:

  • The nurse did not take action when it was required.
  • A patient’s medication was improperly administered.
  • The nurse failed to use medical equipment properly.
  • The nurse failed to monitor a patient.

Who Is Held Accountable For Nursing Negligence?

In many cases, a hospital must take responsibility for a nurse’s actions. If the nurse is employed by the hospital, then the institution is legally and financially responsible for a malpractice case. Since they hire a lot of nurses, it is not uncommon for hospitals to be defendants in lawsuits. When a nurse harms a patient by a negligent act, the hospital is liable.

In some cases, the attending doctor is held accountable for nursing negligence. If a nurse is being supervised by a physician, then the physician may be liable for the nurse’s negligence.

In other instances, the attending doctor can prevent negligence. For example, a surgeon may be present when a nurse administers too much medicine. These situations usually cause a dispute between the doctor and hospital.

Contact Our Phoenix Area Lawyer For A Free Initial Consultation

If you have been injured by a nurse’s error in Arizona, The Law Office of Robert H. Kleinschmidt, P.C., will guide you through the necessary steps to file a malpractice claim and receive the compensation you deserve.

To receive a free consultation about a nursing negligence case, please contact us online or call us at 480-951-3949. There are no upfront legal fees. You pay us only when you are paid.