Representing Patients Who Have Been Harmed By Surgical Errors
A Complex Science Demands Close Attention To Detail
Surgery is a staggeringly complex science. Modern operating rooms are filled with millions of dollars’ worth of equipment operated by extensive teams of doctors nurses, and technicians. The slightest mistake, oversight or malfunction can lead to devastating consequences for a vulnerable patient. These errors often occur while the patient is either sedated and restrained or anesthetized. As a result, it is common for the only witnesses to be the medical personnel who made the mistake.
Without the aid of an experienced surgical malpractice attorney, many injured patients are not even aware that their injuries were caused by the negligence of a nurse or surgeon.
Surgical Errors
At The Law Office of Robert H. Kleinschmidt, P.C., we are intimately familiar with the intricacies of surgical malpractice litigation. Attorney Kleinschmidt has won substantial settlements following many types of surgical errors, including:
Wrong site/wrong patient errors — Invasive procedures and surgeries performed on the wrong patient or on the wrong limb or body site
Surgical fires — An operating room is rich in oxygen and other combustible chemicals and filled with heat sources such as cautery guns and lasers. Carelessness on the part of the surgical team can lead to fires on, near or inside the patient.
Blood administration errors — Unsafe administration of blood or blood-products
Instrument errors — Many surgical patients suffer infection, sepsis or even death as the result of instruments or equipment left inside their bodies.
Contamination — Contaminated biologics, drugs or devices
Anesthesia or oxygen/gas errors — Errors in gas or oxygen administration systems, including no gas, wrong gas or contamination by toxins; anesthesia errors
Failure to comply with surgical guidelines — Ambulatory surgery centers are required to follow a surgical safety checklist. If your surgery was conducted at a center that has not adopted such a checklist, the center or hospital may be liable for your injuries.
Contact A Phoenix Area Attorney For Surgery Malpractice Claims
If you were injured as the result of a flash fire or surgical mishap in an operating room or surgery center, please contact The Law Office of Robert H. Kleinschmidt, P.C. today. Attorney Kleinschmidt has extensive experience reviewing medical records, investigating surgical malpractice, and earning large settlements and awards for his clients.
Call 480-951-3949 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation. We will meet with you free of charge and help you assess whether a medical malpractice suit is the right option for you.